Show first names starting with
[no first name] ' A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z _
All first names beginning with B, sorted alphabetically (total individuals):
1. Baby (3) 2. Baldwin (1) 3. Barbara (16) 4. Barrett (1) 5. Barry (1) 6. Bartlett (1) 7. Baryl (1) 8. Beatrice (9) |
9. Bedford (1) 10. Beeston (2) 11. Bell (1) 12. Benjamin (28) 13. Benoni (1) 14. Berenger (2) 15. Berlin (1) 16. Bernard (3) |
17. Bernice (4) 18. Bertha (11) 19. Berton (1) 20. Bertrada (1) 21. Bertram (2) 22. Bertrand (1) 23. Bery (1) 24. Beryl (1) |
25. Bessie (4) 26. Betsy (1) 27. Betty (4) 28. Bingham (1) 29. Birdella (1) 30. Blanchard (1) 31. Blanche (6) 32. Boham (1) |
33. Bonifacio (1) 34. Brany (1) 35. Bridget (3) 36. Bruce (2) 37. Bruno (1) 38. Byron (2) |