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Matches 1 to 34 of 34


 #   Notes   Linked to 
1  Source (S1282905125)
2  Source (S1282905928)
3 "And approved by the Board of Education of Prince Edward Island." Source (S1283181015)
4 "Lost in the woods at age 14"

Source: The Descendants of Edmund and Jane (Webb) Price: 1977 
Price, Mary (1st) (I174)
5 (Source: The Merritt Family Genealogy Line) From the “Christian Visitor 2 Nov 1880”: Died, Kars, Kings County 16th October of typhoid fever, Caleb Merritt, age 67, left 6 children. Wife, Harriet, died 9/6/1863 at Kars, NB Merritt, Caleb (I53)
6 1860 Census clearly reads as "Abby" confirmation of spelling required. Gerow, Anna J (I1322)
7 At least one living or private individual is linked to this note - Details withheld. Family: Living / Living (F905)
8 5 children total. Check 1850 census for names.
May have died December 16 (check mortality list) 
Niles, Jane (I1324)
The Merritt Family Genealogy Line
Personal notes by Peter L Merritt:
References in square brackets are by Karyn Hannigan
Link to Referenced Website: http://themerrittfamilygenealogyline.weebly.com/edward-melborn-merritt.html

In my Merritt genealogical quest I became curious some number of years ago why only one of Caleb Merritt’s children came to Maine and in particular to Hodgdon, ME. My great aunt Eleanor Merritt Gerow [youngest daughter of Edward] was the apparent family keeper of history and I sought her out in Bucksport, ME where she lived with her daughter, Nella and son-in-law, James Stone. Upon my query she related the following story:

Caleb Merritt was a deacon in the Baptist Church and was conducting the evening service one night and called upon his daughter, Abigail, to stand and give a testimony. She said she didn’t have one-to which her father said ‘Stand and the Lord will fill your mouth.’ No testimony was given and on the buggy ride home from church, Edward made a sarcastic remark to his father about God not filling his sister’s mouth which offended and angered his father. On arriving home the offending Edward was fastened to the buggy wheel and the whip applied to his backside. Edward apparently was so angry over this incident that he held his father in contempt ever after. Edward was working at a neighbor’s farm and had them save his earnings and upon turning 17, he took his wages and moved to Hodgdon. He never returned to Canada and never attended his parents’ funerals.

He spent most of his life working in the sawmill that was beside the stream in the center of Hodgdon. Later in life he did some undertaking. My grandfather, James, did not care to help in this endeavor. However, my father, Harry, said that he had helped his grandfather on occasion.

From what I understand from my father and others, Edward was possessed of an unpleasant disposition.

Barbara Gerow Merritt was given to a pleasant and kindly demeanor according to my father.

I can remember as a boy that my grandfather, James, bought his father’s old house and was doing renovations on it with his son, Ralph, and Ralph’s boys, Donny and Ronald, one July when we made our annual Fourth of July to the North Country. 
Merritt, Edward Melbern (I41)


Transcript available online from New Brunswick Records
Reference: 8726

Will provides the will was dated 4 July 1830 and proved 4 September 1830. Inventory 30 August 1830.

Wife Abigail MERRIT.
Oldest daughter as Sharlett Mary JONES.
Second daughter Hannah MERRIT .
Son Caleb MERRIT
Son Stephen J. MERRIT 
Merritt, John (I812)

Immigration Reference

Reported Arrival 1783:

Wife Elizabeth Robinson;
Child Robert;
Child Caleb;
Child Gilbert;
Child Israel;
Child Ann;
Child Mary; Daughter-in-law

Dexter, J. B., Thorne, S. K., & New Brunswick Genealogical Society. (1985). Arrivals: Our first families in New Brunswick. Saint John: The Society. 
Merritt, Robert Sr. (I1142)
12 Can be searched online at: http://archives.gnb.ca/Search/MC3706/Default.aspx?culture=en-CA Source (S1266194883)
13 Check spelling of last name. Hanes, Heins, Heinz all options. Heine, Henry (I4995)
14 Church of England Parish Registers. London Metropolitan Archives, London., completeness or fitness for the purpose of the information provided. Images may be used only for purposes of research, private study or education. Applications for any other use should be made to London Metropolitan Archives, 40 Northampton Road, London EC1R 0HB. Email - ask.lma@cityoflondon.gov.uk. Infringement of the above condition may result in legal action.

Source (S1266343068)
15 Conflicting information from sources as the Book of Hovey notes that three daughters named Anne were born to Ivory Hovey and his wife, Anne. However, the Historical Collections of the Topsfield Society only list records for two daughters. Hovey, Anne (1st) (I201)
16 Daniel Hovey by Gordon Harris (Ipswich Town Historian)

A compendium of Daniel Hovey's life in Ipswich (and surrounding area) is detailed at: https://historicipswich.org/2018/07/20/daniel-hovey/

Hovey, Daniel Sr. (I247)
17 DISCLAIMER: Amelia Rebecca is listed as a Sherwood (Daughter of James Sherwood (1818) and Amelia Ann Howe (1822) and the 1861 Census records for Moses and Rhoda also list a Rebecca Price at 5 years of age.

Need to review documents to particularize. 
Price, Amelia Rebecca Sherwood (I4310)
18 Disclaimer: Could be James Price Brown (merge) or separate brother who married same or one of the two needs to be deleted... both brothers recorded as Mary Ann Bremmer's husband. Brown, James Price (I3728)
19 Found online through NB Archives at: http://archives.gnb.ca/Search/MC3706/Default.aspx?culture=en-CA Source (S1266194908)
20 From "The Family History of Price" by Kate Price (pg. 36)

"Richard settled in Ludlow, New Brunswick. In 1809 Richard received a land grant of 180 acres with his son, George Leonard Price, on the north and southwest side of the southwest branch of the Miramichi River on lot 67. In 1815 (28 Apr 1815) granted 626 acres in York/Northcumberland Counties. In 1809 he was Overseer of Fisheries; 1812 Justice of Peace; 1814 Overseer of Poor; 1822 Surveyor of Lumber & School Trustee; 1824 Census Taker; 1825 Coroner. Richard and Abigail had eleven children, all born in Ludlow, New Brunswick." 
Price, Richard Perry (I89)
21 From Canada's Historic Places: Aaron Senior's son (Aaron, II whom is not a direct ancestor and also named his son Aaron) moved to Ludlow before 1809


The relevant excerpt reads:

"The first resident of this home was Aaron Hovey Jr., who settled in this area prior to 1809 along with his pre-Loyalist parents and siblings. This place was the second home to be constructed for Aaron Hovey Jr. on this site and is a very elaborate home to be constructed at this time, a reflection of his prominence within the region, taking two years to build." 
Hovey, Aaron I (I91)
22 Galloway is listed only because of the reference of daughter Lenore with the last name Galloway in the 1921 Census records. At that time, Eunice and her daughter Lenore were residing in Winnipeg, the city Lenore was born in. Lenore was married (apparently at 14 years and 10 months of age) and the Marriage Certificate cites Herbert "Nick" Driver as her father in 1935.

It is anticipated that Eunice and Herbert "separated" on or about March 1918 when Herbert changed the recipient of assigned pay to his mother (Jane Driver) and guardianship for the children.

Herbert returned to Canada from WWI injured for furlough. While in furlough, Herbert tested positive for Gonorrhea. No divorce record exists and no marriage certificate exists as between Herbert and Gladys Killner).

Herbert had returned to Canada in March 1919. Lenore was conceived in the summer of 1919. At that time, Herbert was awaiting the arrival of his partner (Gladys Killner) from England who arrived in Canada in October 1919. It is assumed that Herbert and Eunice reconnected for a period of time in the summer of 1919.

Given that Lenore assumed Herbert's name and listed him as her father on her wedding certificate - and hearing from family that Lenore frequently called her biological siblings. We assume that "Galloway" was not the father or husband to Stevens. 
Family: Galloway / Eunice Margaret Stevens (F292)
23 http://www.users.on.net/~cek/kilner-pre1819.htm

This line notes that Richard Kilner 10 May 1682 married Jane Spatchurst April 16 1708.

Fifth Generation

34. Richard Kilner (George, Richard, Edward, ) was christened on 10 May 1682 in Horsted Keynes Sussex.

Richard married (1) Jane Spatchurst on 16 Apr 1708 in West Hoathly Sussex.

They had the following children:

41. John Kilner was christened on 17 Jul 1709 in West Hoathly Sussex.

42. Richard Kilner was christened on 22 Aug 1712 in West Hoathly Sussex.

43. Jane Kilner was christened on 4 Feb 1714 in West Hoathly Sussex.

44. Mary Kilner was christened on 13 Apr 1721 in Horsted Keynes Sussex.

Richard married (2) Mary Parker on 14 Feb 1723 in West Hoayhly.

Mary seems more likely, as there is a Merry, d of William baptised at Balcombe 30 April 1701,

Richard and Mary had the following children:

45. George Kilner was christened on 22 Jan 1725.

46. William Kilner was christened on 23 Dec 1726 in West Hoathly Sussex.

47. Elizabeth Kilner was christened on 4 Mar 1729 in Horsted Keynes Sussex. She died in May 1730 in West Hoathly Sussex.

48. Edward Kilner was christened on 1 Oct 1731.

35. Mary Kilner (George, Richard, Edward, ) was christened on 7 Feb 1685 in West Hoathly Sussex. She died in 1757. She was buried on 15 Feb 1757 in Horsted Keynes.

This burial is probably for Mary Kilner, but could just be for her daughter 
Kilner, Richard (I1545)
24 Includes indexes. Source (S1283181072)
25 John Wickam does not accord with spouse. Jerusha born just 3 years prior to his death.
Do have a record of John Wickam marrying Jerusha here: https://books.google.ca/books?id=gJsyAQAAMAAJ&pg=RA1-PA184&lpg=RA1-PA184&dq=John+Wickham+Jerusha+Miller&source=bl&ots=ZJiEYs_0fZ&sig=pizHX5hYxQoLTw1J1v8e2vT1s0g&hl=en&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjYvJDQs9DTAhVL6mMKHdZTCBEQ6AEILjAD#v=onepage&q&f=false on Feb 4, 1704.

Is there a John Wickam Sr./Jr.?

Wickham, John (I493)
26 Link to Index at NB Archives: http://archives.gnb.ca/Search/MC3706/Default.aspx?culture=en-CA Source (S1266194807)
27 Location of Death - Story

Reported at http://themerrittfamilygenealogyline.weebly.com by Rev. Peter L. Merritt (originally) and Karyn Hannigan that Harry passed at St. Stephen's Hospital, potentially in New Brunswick, Canada. In 1913, the hospital in St. Stephen New Brunswick was the Chipman Hill Memorial Hospital which existed until 1950 (https://search.canbarchives.ca/chipman-hill-memorial-hospital).

However, neither Maine nor New Brunswick archives have a death certificate. Citation for date and location of death as particularized at Find a Grave. 
Merritt, Harold (Harry) Cecil (I14)
28 Memories of Elizabeth Margaret Hovey Hallet as recorded February 26, 2013 by user lashlerue46:

"... When the Revolutionary War broke out, grandfather's father [Stephen] went with the other Loyalists to N.B. somewhere near St. John. Here his family made a home near one of those large lakes. After getting his family settled safely, he went back to Massachusetts for their household goods. On his return trip, he lost his life by being drowned in the Bay of Fundy."

While Stephen's appearance in St. John aboard the Eunice is documented in the "History of the River St. John" the date of death does not accord with the referenced date. Further assessment is required. 
Hovey, Stephen (I148)
29 Not Walter Merritt (father of Thomas Merritt) that the question is of Mariott line or him. Two different Thomas Merritt's (our Cambridge) vs. the Lawyer in the UK. Need to review actual documents to confirm.
(Merett) Merritt, Walter?! (I1184)
30 Quote of Daniel Hovey Sr. regarding his marriage to Abigail Andrews:

"I did more than forty years ago match and by whom the Lord hath blessed me."

The Hovey Book, Introduction, pg. X. 
Andrews, Abigail (I248)
31 Text from Marriage Certificate reads as follows:

"Registered at XX. I hereby certify that on Monday, the thirteenth day of March in the year of our Lord One Thousand Eighteen Hundred and eighty-two JOHN DRIVER, BACHELOR, of the Village of Nelsonville in the County of Marquette, Province of Manitoba, Dominion of Canada;

and JANE JOHNSTON, Spinster, of the Township of Howick in the County of Huron, Province of Ontario, Dominion of Canada, were by me duly United in the bonds of Matrimony at HOWICK in the County of Huron, Province of Ontario, Dominion of Canada, aforesaid.

Witness by my Hand this thirteenth day of March 1882
Witnesses Robert Kelly and Martha Johnston
Thomas Muir Officiating Minister". 
Driver, John (I479)
32 This information comes from 1 or more individual Ancestry Family Tree files. This source citation points you to a current version of those files. Note: The owners of these tree files may have removed or changed information since this source citation was created. Source (S1266194760)
33 To confirm birth year and partnership as there may be two Daniel McGraw's around the same period. The listed Daniel is included in the 1851 census but without Dorothy as his child as she was married in 1840 and the 1851 census also lists Dorothy residing with her husband Erasmus.

However, the text "Gregory McKinnon" by Thomas A Murray dated March 5, 2010 references a Daniel McGraw who served in the New York Volunteers and likely knew an Angus McLeod, Daniel McLeod, Daniel McGraw, and Donald Ross and likely went to the Miramichi together. The aforementioned men may have received land in York, New Brunswick as referenced in "A Roll of the Present State of the Late New York Volunteers, together with their Respective Family's who have obtained Lands on the Madam [Keswick] - Agreeable to an Order of Surrey - Annexed 1784.

The line is stopped until the aforementioned issue can be addressed. 
McGraw, Daniel (I720)
34 Unconfirmed will reports as follows:

"Will dated 16 Sep 1689 mentions wife Jane. He left his two red oxen to his son Richard and his two black oxen to his son George. Also mentions his son William and George's children Richard, Mary and Jane, Ref A39-63"

Source: http://www.users.on.net/~cek/kilner-pre1819.htm
Kilner, Richard (I1606)

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